Rock Exotica 1.1

Rock Exotica 1.1" Omni Block Recall Notice

Rock Exotica have issued a recall notice on all 1.1” Omni Block Pulleys and associated variants manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022. These pulleys must be returned for inspection / repair.

Rock Exotica is also issuing an inspection notice for all Omni Block style pulleys made from 2018 through October 2022. Pulleys can be inspected by the user / competent person, or if you are not comfortable doing the inspection, you can return it to us for inspection.

Please see the official recall notice here for further details.

If you have purchased one of the items that may be impacted, and the item is still in service, please use the contact details in the recall notice to return the goods to the Australian wholesaler for inspection or replacement.

We apologies for the inconvenience of this recall on behalf of Rock Exotica.